Welcome to the homepage of the living revision of the Titanic and Hindenburg storylines as they exist today. Jump on board by reading the free on-line book and learn the manner in which the Titanic and Hindenburg actually performed.
From the very beginning, the existing storylines as to "HOW" the Titanic and Hindenburg failed have never been confirmed by a scientific analyses nor have these supposed acts ever been duplicated. Unfortunately, during the years hence, the public's knowledge regarding the actual performance of these majestic and sound engineering designs has dramatically waned. The fact is, both the Titanic and the Hindenburg performed to near perfection, yet both were brought to an inglorious end. .
Why would anyone have wanted to end their careers prematurely? Come review their performances! In the process learn how in both cases the supposed reasons as to "HOW" they failed do not add up.
See the latest information relating to the wreckage of the Titanic; the fact that two gigantic pieces of Titanic's double bilged hull were ripped completely free from the very bottom. This information destroys the iceberg theory. Also read about the latest smoking-gun information regarding the burning of the Hindenburg.
Today there is new information few people know about. The new information reveals that neither the Titanic nor the Hindenburg were lost due to accidents but were in fact deliberately demolished. This means that neither the Titanic nor the Hindenburg were removed from the public because they failed; they were removed for another reason.
The truth of the matter was both designs, coal-powered steamships and diesel-powered airships, were deliberately disappeared from public service decades before normal retirement or replacement would have normally occurred because they were so fuel efficient. This "forced retirement" is now well documented by the fact in both cases they were not only replaced prematurely but by inferior designs. As it turns out, the preferred replacements just happened to consume more petroleum that required expensive processing.

Let's review the Titanic. The story is now 106 years old encompassing innumerable articles, books and movie remakes. These include side stories and trivia regarding her inception, passengers, accommodations, safety features, lifeboats, sinking and survivor rescue. Along the way scientists, engineers and naval architects have explained her structural failure, hull-material weaknesses, visibility issues, rivet manufacture, cold water effects, a rudder that was too small, a design that was too big, etc. And don't forget the novelists along the way who entwined bad luck and karma into the most famous maritime disaster of modern times.
And thus the Titanic has become one of the most written-about stories in the history of earth. The books, movies and documentaries that exist today must number in the thousands. As a result the existing story leaves not one stone unturned regarding everything about her. Or so it seems.

This screen shot is one of over twenty pages of images for books written about the Titanic. The 1997 Titanic movie alone has now grossed over 1 billion dollars. You can see, the Titanic has become a mega success for many who have capitalized on her story so you are probably wondering at this point why anyone would want to question, much less research, a story that has already been adequately researched. And not only has it been researched, but it appears that all of the research agrees with the same conclusion; that an iceberg sank the Titanic.
But thanks to recent evidence from the wreckage, the truth is yet to be properly delineated. In fact, the situation is in a shambles. This is for the simple fact that the official explanation as to how the Titanic sank was dramatically revised in 2012 by the New York City College of Marine Forensics. Who are they you ask? They are the one and only official "entity" that rules on the actual cause of Titanic's failure and sinking. The NYCC is validated as the official authority by the Woods Hole Institute and the Robert Ballard Group.
It's Time for a Major Revision!
Now, hold onto your seat folks! The "high-angle-break-theory" has now given way to the "low angle break theory". This means that the breakup scenario depicted in the 1997 Titanic movie has been thrown out. This means that not only the 1997 Titanic movie but every other movie, book and newspaper article made and written between 1912 and 2012 has been rendered erroneous!
Today's story? Full of holes!
6 Separate "cuts" in 6 compartments HOWEVER, Ice does not cut steel. (Someone show me one example).
Catastrophic damage to the hull. HOWEVER, nobody above or below decks heard anything.
Damage to hull along 300 feet. WOULD REQUIRE 8 seconds of contact at 22 knots; IMPOSSIBLE!
The ship went down in 160 min. HOWEVER, nobody felt an impact! (much less a catastrophic collision!).
5 Compartments needed to flood. HOWEVER each would have needed a 2 to 4 sq. ft. HOLE! (if just one compartment flooded slowly, additional compartments would not have filled for hours).
5 Forward Compartments were breached. HOWEVER boiler room 6 was in compartment 5! (it would have exploded within minutes of the breach).
6 Separate "cuts" in 6 compartments HOWEVER, Ice does not cut steel. (Someone show me one example).
Catastrophic damage to the hull. HOWEVER, nobody above or below decks heard anything.
Damage to hull along 300 feet. WOULD REQUIRE 8 seconds of contact at 22 knots; IMPOSSIBLE!
The ship went down in 160 min. HOWEVER, nobody felt an impact! (much less a catastrophic collision!).
5 Compartments needed to flood. HOWEVER each would have needed a 2 to 4 sq. ft. HOLE! (if just one compartment flooded slowly, additional compartments would not have filled for hours).
5 Forward Compartments were breached. HOWEVER boiler room 6 was in compartment 5! (it would have exploded within minutes of the breach).

Above photograph courtesy: ScienceAlert.com
Drawing at right courtesy: NYCity College of Technology
And this is just the beginning of what has become a major unraveling of the story! As a result of new knowledge gained from recent dives to the wreckage in 2005, the experts in charge of deciphering the latest data have published a report stating that the Titanic broke apart on the surface while in the process of sinking. The public has not caught on to the fact that as a result of these new findings, a totally new story-line about what caused so much destruction in the first place has emerged.
In the process, the original hit-an-iceberg-damaging-five-forward-compartments-theory has been enshrined into Titanic history as proper Titanic fact. And now, on top of this:
A new scenario: Titanic not only sinks from striking an iceberg, but breaks herself into five major fragmented pieces too. All this during the process of sinking!
This is a huge add-on to an existing story which was flimsy from the beginning and never proven! The fact of the matter is, after 105 years the actual truth about the Titanic has never been more obscured! Today, divers and forensics experts have admitted that in order for the separate bilge pieces to have landed nearly 1/2 mile apart on the ocean floor, they would have needed to be completely separated from the main hull at or near the surface. Talk about being in a "pickle" to explain the new findings!
Drawing at right courtesy: NYCity College of Technology
And this is just the beginning of what has become a major unraveling of the story! As a result of new knowledge gained from recent dives to the wreckage in 2005, the experts in charge of deciphering the latest data have published a report stating that the Titanic broke apart on the surface while in the process of sinking. The public has not caught on to the fact that as a result of these new findings, a totally new story-line about what caused so much destruction in the first place has emerged.
In the process, the original hit-an-iceberg-damaging-five-forward-compartments-theory has been enshrined into Titanic history as proper Titanic fact. And now, on top of this:
A new scenario: Titanic not only sinks from striking an iceberg, but breaks herself into five major fragmented pieces too. All this during the process of sinking!
This is a huge add-on to an existing story which was flimsy from the beginning and never proven! The fact of the matter is, after 105 years the actual truth about the Titanic has never been more obscured! Today, divers and forensics experts have admitted that in order for the separate bilge pieces to have landed nearly 1/2 mile apart on the ocean floor, they would have needed to be completely separated from the main hull at or near the surface. Talk about being in a "pickle" to explain the new findings!

Much of what I am reporting is nothing new. Since 2005 the evidence from the Chatterton/Kohler dive revealed beyond the shadow of a doubt that Titanic's hull suffered damage way beyond merely striking an iceberg. As a result, the "authorities" have had to come up with a new set of forces that caused this ship to be broken up and scattered! Don't forget, the Titanic supposedly sank during a calm night on a calm ocean.
Today, the "forces" they found to account for the Titanic breaking herself into pieces in the act of sinking are a result of tilting the ship downward. Look at the chart at top right. This is the "Low Angle Break Theory" and it has superseded all previous theories. I'm guessing you did not know that in the process of 3D Digitized Graphical Displays of the supposed accident the original break-angle (from the 1997 Titanic movie) has been dramatically reduced. How did they ever get us to believe this steel ship broke herself apart at such a low tilt angle?
They didn't. They continue to misrepresent the actual tilt angle with erroneous documentaries. Few people know that the 1997 "high-angle-break-theory" has been thrown out. Even fewer people realize that all of the previous theories had to be thrown out too! But why would they still be hanging on to an existing theory that was never proven and has now become unprovable? The Titanic movie/book/documentary industry is extensive and thus slow to change; that's one reason. But it goes deeper.
I invite you to watch all of the recent video documentaries. Watch them and ask yourself, "Don't these breakup scenarios reveal that the Titanic was intentionally demolished?" And then consider, how you might attempt to separate and scatter pieces of riveted steel plate across the ocean bottom, using whatever methods are available today. You will soon come to the conclusion that to sink the Titanic by any means is an ominous task!
Today, the "forces" they found to account for the Titanic breaking herself into pieces in the act of sinking are a result of tilting the ship downward. Look at the chart at top right. This is the "Low Angle Break Theory" and it has superseded all previous theories. I'm guessing you did not know that in the process of 3D Digitized Graphical Displays of the supposed accident the original break-angle (from the 1997 Titanic movie) has been dramatically reduced. How did they ever get us to believe this steel ship broke herself apart at such a low tilt angle?
They didn't. They continue to misrepresent the actual tilt angle with erroneous documentaries. Few people know that the 1997 "high-angle-break-theory" has been thrown out. Even fewer people realize that all of the previous theories had to be thrown out too! But why would they still be hanging on to an existing theory that was never proven and has now become unprovable? The Titanic movie/book/documentary industry is extensive and thus slow to change; that's one reason. But it goes deeper.
I invite you to watch all of the recent video documentaries. Watch them and ask yourself, "Don't these breakup scenarios reveal that the Titanic was intentionally demolished?" And then consider, how you might attempt to separate and scatter pieces of riveted steel plate across the ocean bottom, using whatever methods are available today. You will soon come to the conclusion that to sink the Titanic by any means is an ominous task!

In researching different methods and materials that are used in the demolition industry to bring down buildings, I came up with shaped-charge steel cutting explosives. The best way to get these placed properly in the bilge of Titanic directly beneath the engines would have been to put them in before the ship left port. The use of shaped steel cutting explosives is the only means that I know of that would work to thus have two separate framed sections being cut out from the very bottom of Titanic's hull.
While we're on the subject, did you know that the crankshafts of Titanic's giant four cylinder steam engines are broken between cylinders 2 and 3? What possible forces could have caused this? Titanic's engines didn't just "snap" in half, like the experts have theorized. Perhaps it is time to revise the current story to reflect the truth. Would you at least agree that with the evidence of steel parts having been strewn along the bottom, that a more obvious method of sinking this ship needs to be considered?
These types of explosives were available in the days of the Titanic, thanks to a vigorous naval mine and torpedo industry that provided defensive military devices for harbors worldwide. But as of today, nobody has had the courage or guts to suggest or break the real story. I suppose if they did, it would mean the immediate de-funding of their research grants. This means that a revision of Titanic's true history will be a grass roots effort from the bottom up.
While we're on the subject, did you know that the crankshafts of Titanic's giant four cylinder steam engines are broken between cylinders 2 and 3? What possible forces could have caused this? Titanic's engines didn't just "snap" in half, like the experts have theorized. Perhaps it is time to revise the current story to reflect the truth. Would you at least agree that with the evidence of steel parts having been strewn along the bottom, that a more obvious method of sinking this ship needs to be considered?
These types of explosives were available in the days of the Titanic, thanks to a vigorous naval mine and torpedo industry that provided defensive military devices for harbors worldwide. But as of today, nobody has had the courage or guts to suggest or break the real story. I suppose if they did, it would mean the immediate de-funding of their research grants. This means that a revision of Titanic's true history will be a grass roots effort from the bottom up.

The Hindenburg Connection
Now, hang on for the second part of the story to learn why the Hindenburg also played a strategic role in the development of Trans-Atlantic Passenger service, and was very much in competition with flying mechanisms that are still used today. Could it be that both the Titanic and the Hindenburg were destroyed for the same reason (such as fuel efficiency beyond what the petrol oligarchs wanted)?
If we knew that one was deliberately destroyed (Titanic, which represented the most efficient sea travel), shouldn't we investigate the other (Hindenburg, which represented the most efficient air travel) to make sure that her demise was not engineered as well? What if I told you the analyses contained within this book reveals the same motive and a similar pattern of destruction!
If they were destroyed for the same reason, that they were both too efficient from a consumption standpoint to satisfy the goals of the oil oligarchs, that would be the motive. If there was a motive to destroy them, then neither of these destructions were the result of an engineering failure or design flaw. AND If neither of these were the result of an engineering failure or design flaw, then they could have been sound designs after all. Read on! Find out how they were superior to the transportation mechanisms that replaced them and are in use today!
There are, and always have been serious engineering anomalies regarding the Titanic and the Hindenburg and they have never been answered with anything more than scientific thoughts jotted down on paper and sold to the public. But it is time to point out that these stories, as accepted, have served to define our present day transportation mechanisms. Until we get out from under some misconceptions about steam and hydrogen power, we are doomed to wallow in the sea of petroleum-powered mechanisms.
Now, today, after reviewing the Hindenburg for 80 years, we are left with even more anomalies and lingering questions.
Now, hang on for the second part of the story to learn why the Hindenburg also played a strategic role in the development of Trans-Atlantic Passenger service, and was very much in competition with flying mechanisms that are still used today. Could it be that both the Titanic and the Hindenburg were destroyed for the same reason (such as fuel efficiency beyond what the petrol oligarchs wanted)?
If we knew that one was deliberately destroyed (Titanic, which represented the most efficient sea travel), shouldn't we investigate the other (Hindenburg, which represented the most efficient air travel) to make sure that her demise was not engineered as well? What if I told you the analyses contained within this book reveals the same motive and a similar pattern of destruction!
If they were destroyed for the same reason, that they were both too efficient from a consumption standpoint to satisfy the goals of the oil oligarchs, that would be the motive. If there was a motive to destroy them, then neither of these destructions were the result of an engineering failure or design flaw. AND If neither of these were the result of an engineering failure or design flaw, then they could have been sound designs after all. Read on! Find out how they were superior to the transportation mechanisms that replaced them and are in use today!
There are, and always have been serious engineering anomalies regarding the Titanic and the Hindenburg and they have never been answered with anything more than scientific thoughts jotted down on paper and sold to the public. But it is time to point out that these stories, as accepted, have served to define our present day transportation mechanisms. Until we get out from under some misconceptions about steam and hydrogen power, we are doomed to wallow in the sea of petroleum-powered mechanisms.
Now, today, after reviewing the Hindenburg for 80 years, we are left with even more anomalies and lingering questions.
The Hindenburg was no ordinary flying machine. She utilized an effective form of anti-gravity and employed diesel engines, not ones that consumed high-octane aviation fuel. And neither was the Titanic an ordinary sea-going passenger carrier. She ran on coal at $1.00 per ton and could have run on any cheap fuel that would burn. Today it is important that we learn about these events because the same corporate games are taking place and they have grown in size and attained even greater influence.
Who better to tell the story of the demise of two historical transportation devices?
How about a person who has worked within the industry yet today has absolutely no association or contact with it? Kenneth has been out of the oil industry now for 30 years and thus can research and write from a free perspective. He has spent decades researching and documenting these mysteries and the writing he has produced is filled with many undeniable facts that will blow minds.
For those of you who have been reading outside of the mainstream box you have learned that much of what we originally were told about the JFK assassination, 911 Trade Tower demolition, Gulf of Tonkin incident, Oklahoma Federal building, etc. has been fully outed as a false narrative. As a result many now rightfully question the details related to these and many important events of the past. The destruction of the Titanic and the Hindenburg should now be in that category.
A glimpse of the engineering genius of the Hindenburg reveals a human transport carrier years ahead of any other flying designs in 1936 and even today.
Two Tragedies, One Plan ?
What's going on here with regard to type and consumption rates of fuel?
- Did you know that steam powered mechanisms can run off anything that will burn?
- Do you know that one ton of coal has the same thermal energy as 188 gallons of petroleum?
- Did you know that the Titanic could steam all the way from Southhampton, Ireland to New York on 3,000 tons of coal while she moved 3,000 passengers? By the way, coal in that day was $1.00 per ton!
- Do you know that the Queen Elizabeth II requires over $240,000 per day in fuel oil to power her "modern" diesel generators, which results in 9 times what the Titanic would cost using coal to cross the Atlantic today?
- Did you know the Hindenburg was capable of flying around the world without stopping for fuel in 1936 and that the Graf Zeppelin circumnavigated the earth with 20 passengers in 1929?
- Do you know that one modern Airbus carries enough fuel to power the Hindenburg 6 times across the Atlantic?
- Did you ever notice that during the past 100 years the monopolization of automotive, aircraft and marine applications to a universal petroleum standard occurred worldwide?

Titanic and Hindenburg; Two Tragedies, One Plan provides and discusses the latest evidence surrounding the Titanic sinking and the Hindenburg burning to expose both of them for what they were; premeditated destructions similar to the 911 world trade tower demolitions of 2001. It further exposes the false trauma created by the perceived losses of the Titanic and Hindenburg, and how they became strategic media events that were used by the banking/corporate conglomerate to lead us into wars and steer future transportation development toward inferior petroleum powered mechanisms.
As a result, we are now traveling with the same kinds of mechanisms that steam and electricity had already replaced, but what's worse, the world is consuming petroleum at an astronomical rate. This is what made both the Titanic and the Hindenburg part of one sinister plan.
As a result, we are now traveling with the same kinds of mechanisms that steam and electricity had already replaced, but what's worse, the world is consuming petroleum at an astronomical rate. This is what made both the Titanic and the Hindenburg part of one sinister plan.

Feel free to listen to one of the interviews with Kenneth by clicking on the "YouTube and Podcasts" tab. To begin reading his ground breaking book, click on "Books I and II" where the complete book is available to read or download.
At present, two volumes are free to the public. If you want to be fully able to comprehend Titanic and Hindenburg then you may want to check out Ken's other book, The Rise and Stall of the Piston Engine for additional background into the current transportation dilemma that the entire world is now faced with. It contains many pictures of mechanisms from the past, like the Pogue 100 mile-per-gallon carburetor, that will excite your past memories and for others inspire future innovations.
For mechanical, civil and transportation engineers wanting to stay abreast of available technology, such to move forward from the concept of petroleum powered mechanisms, The Rise and Stall of the Piston Engine is a must read!
For more information click on the book.
At present, two volumes are free to the public. If you want to be fully able to comprehend Titanic and Hindenburg then you may want to check out Ken's other book, The Rise and Stall of the Piston Engine for additional background into the current transportation dilemma that the entire world is now faced with. It contains many pictures of mechanisms from the past, like the Pogue 100 mile-per-gallon carburetor, that will excite your past memories and for others inspire future innovations.
For mechanical, civil and transportation engineers wanting to stay abreast of available technology, such to move forward from the concept of petroleum powered mechanisms, The Rise and Stall of the Piston Engine is a must read!
For more information click on the book.